Discover the flavor of your city
One of the region’s largest food and lifestyle influencers, Chris Franzoni launched @EatMoreBeMore to highlight Baltimore’s growing food and restaurant scene.
Our up to date list of the most delicious bites Baltimore restaurants are serving.
The ultimate guide to the very best of Baltimore’s dining scene, broken down by cuisine.
Our ever-evolving “best restaurant” list and your go-to map for the city’s tastiest dining experiences.
Dining Highlights
DMV Restaurants Visited
Restaurant Highlights
Years in Hospitality + Marketing
No *Food* Pix After Dark ft Guest Host Chris Franzoni and Steve Chu (co-owner of Ekiben)
In his very first podcast, Chris Franzoni, founder and “Eater-in-Chief” of @EatMoreBeMore, talks with Steve Chu, co-owner of Ekiben.…
They discuss the importance of family, becoming a James Beard semi-finalist, and how Baltimore’s food scene rivals (and surpasses) that of DC.
Special thanks to Aaron Dante for the opportunity and platform to launch this mini-series!
No*Food*Pix After Dark ft.Guest Host Chris Franzoni & Sarah Simington (owner of Blue Moon Cafe)
In this podcast, Chris talks with Sarah Simington of Blue Moon Cafe and we discuss the creation of her iconic Cap’n Crunch French Toast,…
how she caught her staff member making out with a local food truck owner during a black out, and the difficulties in running a restaurant out of a 950 square foot space.
Special thanks to Aaron Dante (@nopixafterdark) for the opportunity and platform!
No *Food* Pix After Dark ft. Guest Host Chris Franzoni & Nick Schauman (co-owner of True Chesapeake)
In this episode, Chris talks with Nick Schauman of The Local Oyster and True Chesapeake as they perform bivalve ASMR, …
discuss the importance of conservation and the recycling of oyster shells in the Chesapeake Bay, and reminisce about old family recipes that appear on the menu today.
Special thanks to Aaron Dante (@nopixafterdark) for the opportunity and platform!